Tag: jenkins

Jenkins Swarm and Docker article

This article explains how to set up a Dockerfile that will allow you to set up a Jenkins environment with slaves that allow for unit tests on multiple environments, with different PHP versions. Using Jenkins’ Swarm plugin allows for automatic detection of new slaves. So even developers can temporarily ‘lend’ their laptops for build jobs. The advantage of using Docker is that this will not interfere with their current installation because it is running inside an image.

Every PHP developer recognizes this problem: How do we make sure that all software remains working after a PHP upgrade. With the PHP 7 release on the horizon we were looking for solutions to run our unit tests on both PHP 5.x and 7.


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Let Jenkins ignore shell script return code

In a build preparation script I had a shell command that was executed. This command set some permissions, but would fail if the folder to set the permissions on would not exist. If the folder does not exist it would fail the build
because the permissions command would fail. I was looking for a way to ignore that, because the settings of the permissions would only fail if the workspace was cleaned and the file would be created later on in the build process
with the correct permissions.

In a Google Group post I found the solution, append || true to the command:

chmod 777 file.xml || true

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